
  • Family
  • Divorce
  • Eldercare
  • Integrated conflict management for families


  • Group Facilitation
  • Workplace
  • Business/Consumer
  • Integrated conflict management for business
  • Conflict Management


  • Facilitation
  • Restorative Justice
  • HOA
  • Faith Conciliation


  • Advanced Mediation
  • Conflict Coaching
  • Mentorship / Coaching
  • Collaborative Mediator Certification
  • Transformative Mediation


Introductory - Phoenix Strategies Inc.

Join Phoenix Strategies for our 40-Hour Basic Mediation and Conflict Management training.  This course is for anyone involved in conflict management on a personal and professional level. The 40-hour Basic Mediation course is the recommended minimum requirement for, and serves as your foundation to building a career as a mediator in the state of Colorado.

Learn to modify past learned behaviors, develop basic essential skills, and effectively mediate with minimal mentor support through integration of theory and practice, modeling, exercises, and simulations, and self, peer, and instructor evaluation and videotaping.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and ethics credits are approved and available for legal professionals participating in our Basic Mediation and Divorce Mediation courses.  Please contact Phoenix Strategies for additional information.  CLE’s approved by the Colorado Supreme Court.

Course Descriptions

Join the Phoenix Strategies, Inc. team for a 2-hour seminar that introduces mediation as a potential career or skills used in your professional or personal life.  This seminar is taught by a mediation professional; get your questions answered.

You’ve taken the 40 Basic Course, now what? Phoenix Strategies, Inc. wants to help give you a clear path of how to set up a business, write a plan, and land leads with digital media.

If you wish to learn how to launch your own mediation business, Join PSI on Zoom for this fantastic 3-day course! Designed for those who have completed a minimum 40-hour basic mediation training course, our Optimizing Your Mediation Career class is the perfect way to jump start your career in mediation, conflict management, and other alternative dispute resolution fields.

This is testing content. lets see if it reflects.


It’s brilliant to feel like I can immediately address a toxic-feeling situation and move it toward useful dialog. Or, at the very least, I can stop it from spiraling into ugly. It’s a powerful thing for an avoider like me!

Upcoming Events

Resources: Get our model detailed information about the mediation training certification process offered by Phoenix Strategies Inc. and the requirements needed to become a certified mediator.