Research supports that the vast majority of people in conflict (including disgruntled customers) care more about the resolution process than the actual resolution. We all want to be treated with respect and feel heard. Sometimes, the best way to save your business time, money and emotional energy is to practice active listening. I recommend that the next time a customer has a complaint, take time to really listen. Don’t interrupt or be too quick to offer a solution – even if you think you have a really good one. Unsatisfied customers usually aren’t hearing you until they feel truly heard by you. So… just listen. Then when you think he or she is finished, ask “What else would you like me to know?” And listen some more. Investing these few extra seconds or minutes up front, could likely save you a lot of angst in the long run. Unless this person is just looking to pick a fight, he or she will be much more receptive to working out a solution that you can both live with. I’ve seen customers actually refuse refunds after the business representative demonstrated humility and respect by listening well. In fact, I was once one of those customers!